Whether data is a key point of a company’s success

People are living in an era when the Internet has revolutionized their lives. A lot of people believe that whether a company can analyze and use data in a right way will determine whether it can success or not. Viktor Mayer-Schonberger, the author of “ Big Data” says :“it is better to have more data than clean data.” To be more specific, everyone knows that it is easier to classify and use data when it is in a smaller group. Today, however, there is an explosion of all kinds of information which makes it extremely hard to find “clean” data.

The main point is, what kind of companies should be data-oriented, some of them, or all of them? Google can certainly be a good example of using data and its success is basically all about data. Zynga also made a lot of efforts on collecting data. However, it ended up cutting up 520 employees in June, 2013. The reason of it is basically because of the lack of tactics. Zynga excessively depends on data and ignored some other vital factors like strategies and new ideas.

I think data should be one factor of a company’s success but cannot be the only one.


Resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYS_4CWu3y8



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