I was involved in community organizing well before I decided to enter the world of academia, and this aspect remains central to my life. Activism not only informs my work, but I also see being active in my community as a great opportunity to make connections between research and practice. I also just enjoy it! Being involved in my community(ies) has always been an energizing force in my life.
Current positions:
- Volunteer at Gab Youth
- Member of the Graduate Student Council of Sociology
- Member of the Vancouver School Board’s Pride Advisory Committee
- Member of the LGBTQ2+ Advisory Committee at the City of Vancouver
- Reviewer for Watcher Junior
Previous positions:
- Conference organizing
- Organizing Committee for Slayage 5, an biannual academic conference organized by the Whedon Studies Association
- Organizing Committee for 5th annual UBC Sociology Graduate Conference
- Organizing Committee for Queer U, an academic panel for Outweek (UBC’s queer-themed week) which showcases research on gender(s) and sexuality(ies) at UBC (Feb 2012)
- Organizing Committee of 4th annual UBC Sociology Graduate Conference (Beyond The Norm: Changing and Challenging Perspectives on Social Research) (May 2011)
- Organizer of Queer U, an academic panel for Outweek (UBC’s queer-themed week) which showcases research on gender(s) and sexuality(ies) at UBC (Feb 2011)
- Organizing Committee of 3rd annual UBC Sociology Graduate Conference (March 2010)
- Academic service
- President of the Graduate Student Council of Sociology (2010-2012)
- Member of Student Editorial Board of Social Problems (2011-2012)
- Vice-President Administration of the Graduate Student Council of Sociology (2009-2010)
- Secretary of Pride UBC (2009-2010) and On The QT coordinator for Pride UBC (2008-2009)
- Community volunteering
- Foster home for the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association (2008-2013)
- Volunteer on Organizing Committee for The Network: Queer Grads Students at UBC (2010-2012)
- Pridespeak Leader for Gab Youth (2008-2010)
- Volunteer at the Vancouver Folk Festival (2010, 2011)
- Education Coordinator for MAG – Jeunes Gais, Lesbiennes, Bis et Trans (2005-2007)