An Out of This World Idea

It is the first of it’s kind. Urthecast is a high definition camera fixed to a satellite capturing the live streaming of video footage of the earth, shot from outer space.

My initial reaction to the idea within the first ten minutes was that it was a very “cool” concept, something that people would really enjoy watching as a means of entertainment.  However the numerous barriers to entry (scientific development, partnerships, high costs for equipment), had me on the ropes about how they could transform the website from a fun tool, create an effective business plan, and monetize it.

Speaking to Wade’s presentation skills, concise power point and clear explanation, my opinion was completely shifted as he discussed the numerous revenue streams the company proposed after their release in the first quarter of 2014. Being the first video recording device in outer space, there are many companies that want to access their enormous amount of data for various reasons, such as getting information on consumer behaviour, or capturing historical events as they happen live.

In all, it was an inspiring presentation as it showed us that a degree in business can open the door to whatever field fascinates us.

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