Apple – Constantly One Step Ahead

Apple’s marketing strategy is undeniably superior compared to other technology based companies.

Target Market: People of all ages. Apple developed a variety of products such as, iPods, iPhones, iPads, which are made user-friendly and liked by most consumers regardless of age. For instance, we have the iPad, which is enjoyed by consumers ranging from toddlers to seniors (even pets!). For instance, by simply entering the keywords ‘pets ipad’ one can find numerous cases of household pets using the iPad.

Marketing Mix:

  • Product – Apple’s unbelievably strong brand image gives all of its product a perceived extra value added. Every Apple good is seen to be the most intelligent, innovative and slickest device.
  • Price – Due to its brand image, Apple products may be high-priced, as consumers view any Apple product, new or old, as the state-of-the art product. Also, the innovative and inventive nature of Apple consistently gives Apple a head start in the market – may it be tablets, ultra-portable mp3s.
  • Place – Apple products are sold at “Apple Stores” which enables Apple to set the mood of their stores and customize their customers’ shopping experiences. Although their goods, such as the iPhone4 are constantly out-of-stock it, though oddly, does not appear to affect its customer satisfaction level.
  • Promotion – Apple frequently employs a sense of mystery when promoting new products. As a matter of fact, they have done that for every product. Usually, Apple leaks a minimal amount of information about a new product, months before the release date to create an aura of surprise. This strategy allows Apple to exploit the media and discussion forums to help them advertise at no cost.

All in all, Apple gives an emphasis on Product excellence to deliver value and to develop a sustainable competitive advantage; however, because of the volatility of the technology market, Apple must constantly develop new and unprecedented products to maintain its advantage and its title as a leader.

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