Newborns – the Next Target Segment?

“Disney Looking Into Cradle for Customers”

In the intense competition for market share, Disney has demonstrated its creativity and ability to leverage its powerful brand image. Although Disney has long segmented their market based on demographics and age; it is unprecedented for them to include newborns as a segment.

Moreover, Disney has an intricate plan to allure customers and more importantly, to develop a long-term relationship with customers. This is evident as they have “a representative [who] visits a new mother and offers a free Disney Cuddly Bodysuit.” Through demonstrations, it could positively affect the perceptions and attitudes of the mothers, assuming that Disney is confident in the quality of their new product.

Accompanied by an effective marketing mix: “extra soft! durable! better sizing! — and ask mothers to sign up for e-mail alerts from More than 200,000 bodysuits will be given away by May, when is set to begin selling 85 styles for a starting price of $9.99 for two; Nordstrom and Target will follow with more Disney Baby items, including hats”

What Disney demonstrates, is a branded, higher quality product at an affordable price. In addition, they utilize social media and in-person demonstrations to market their product. In regards to location, they have an exclusive advantage. Disney has partnered with “Our365 [who] pays hospitals for exclusive access, and companies like Disney pay Our365 to promote their own products.”

In the position graph of quality and price, Disney would be positioned at the top as a high-quality and high-priced brand; however, Disney has chosen to sacrifice a higher profit for market share in selling the products for newborns. Furthermore, leveraging their position, they could exploit the parents’ need for safety for their children. As parents wish to give their children the best and to keep them safe, they would be willing to buy the high quality products developed by a trusted brand.

All-in-all, Walt Disney has a major influence on every person throughout one’s life. They have products directed for each age group and facilitates the transition of each age group into buying products targeted for their them.

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