Monthly Archives: November 2014

The Tempest: A reliable tale of the perils of revenge?

Shakespeare’s the Tempest has remained one of his finest works, but the actual validity of the play itself is something one must consider. We can argue Prospero is one of the major story-tellers in the play, and his accounts are skewed with partiality from a bitterness of a time much before the Island. His motives for making the journey of the others “tempest tossed” is one that certainly stems from revenge, but can we really truly know what is the source of his hatred? As the play is written with the main accounts being from a man scorned, about a play with witchcraft being imperative to the story’s survival, one may want to argue what is the potential truth of the play, what is it’s real purpose and it’s real, organic tale? Prospero comes about as a unreliable narrator, as he curses his brother and then moments later proclaims his love for him, and how Miranda’s perceptions seemed skewed by him, making her just as unreliable. Ariel is a slave, compromising his reliability as he has no other commitment, at is his most basic level, then to be a slave to Prosepro. All these flaws allow us to question the authenticity of the Tempest, and if it is actually more of a inflated lie of Prosepero’s than a story of an organic nature.