
Photo: European military attachés at a NATO demilitarization fundraiser, Mari Bastashevski

Course Number: GPP 591b
Course Name: Gender, Peace and Security
Term: Winter Term 2
Date and Time: Wednesdays, 2-4:45pm
Office Hours: Tuesday 2-4pm or by appointment, via zoom or in person.
Instructor: Erin Baines

Course Description: This seminar examines how gender, race, sexuality and ability shape, and are shaped by, war and peace. It has two main parts. The first asks what it means to cultivate a feminist curiosity, methodology and research ethic on peace and security. We will considers the responsibilities of writing about the lives of others in contexts of violence, while remaining loyal to the richness and complexity of people’s lives. The second part examines global politics, processes and policy agendas through a feminist lens: the securitization of borders, climate change, militarism and militarization, masculinities, women’s movements, senses of justice and repair in the aftermaths of war, and the women peace and security agenda.

 This class takes place on the traditional, ancestral, unceded lands of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓-speaking Musqueam people.