Aug 20th, 2013 by Martin Dawes
Dr. Michelle Butler hired as new Director, UBC Midwifery Program
I am delighted to announce that Dr. Michelle Butler has been hired as the new Director of the UBC Midwifery Program.
Dr. Michelle Butler is an experienced midwife, teacher, researcher, and university administrator. She qualified as a Registered Nurse and Midwife before pursuing a BSc in Health Sciences and a MSc in Health Studies. In 2001, she completed her PhD from the University of Nottingham and joined the University College Dublin. Dr. Butler has served as Dean and Head of the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems and is currently the Subject Head of Midwifery at University College Dublin and Clinical/Academic Research Liaison with the National Maternity Hospital. An active researcher she has had multiple grants and published widely in the areas of midwifery competence and learning, woman-centered care, health care outcomes, and health service policy and planning. A highly regarded teacher, Dr. Butler lectures on advanced research methods, midwifery research and health policy and planning.
The Department of Family Practice and the Midwifery Program are very pleased to welcome someone of Dr. Butler’s stature and reputation to the Department. We look forward to working with her and warmly welcome her to our Department and University.
Dr. Martin Dawes, Head, UBC Department of Family Practice
Kim Campbell, Interim Director, UBC Midwifery Program