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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Jack Taunton – BC Athletics Hall of Fame

Prof. Dr. Jack Taunton, professor in the department of family practice at UBC, has been named the 2011 BC Athletics Hall of Fame inductee for his outstanding contributions as an athlete, community builder and sports medicine physician. Jack once ran a 2:25 marathon which in anyone’s book is an achievement worthy of major note. His […]

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UBC Undergraduate Medicine gets re-approval

Following the most recent visit by the North American accreditation bodies earlier this year and a subsequent status report, we have received good news.  We have formal confirmation that the MD Undergraduate Program is in compliance with all accreditation standards (there are close to 130 standards) with no further previously identified areas of partial or substantial non-compliance, and […]

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Abortion rate declining

Wendy Norman’s group are highlighted in the National Post today. http://news.nationalpost.com/tag/wendy-norman/ Having had several presentations at the North American Primary Care Research Group her work has been picked up and now hitting the national news. Congratulations.

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North American Primary Care Research Group

This weekend in Banff  784 primary care researchers gathered to present there research in posters, short oral papers and distinguished extended papers. This year Scott Garrison,  is one of a handful of people submitting their research who has been selected for a distinguished paper. Just in the midst of finishing his PhD, Scott is a […]

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From FMF

Ian Scott given Ian McWhinney Award Last night at the Section of Teachers dinner, attendees from British Columbia were delighted seeing Ian Scott being given the Ian McWhinney Family Medicine Education Award. This award is given to a teacher of family medicine deemed by his peers to have made a unique and innovative contribution which […]

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Hello world! This is a message from the head of the department of family practice at UBC.

This blog is a reflection of items brought to my attention that seem worth sharing. Please feel free to add, change, or comment. Things are incredibly busy in the department as we approach family medicine forum in Montreal next week and NAPCRG in Banff the week after. In addition there are CIHR grant deadlines and […]

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Week of October 17, 2011

Hello from Vancouver! The sun has finally emerged and we’re enjoying a spell of dry weather and fall colours. I was recently chatting with family physicians in Kamloops who are thinking of establishing a residency site. Despite their heavy workloads, many of the doctors are interested in training postgraduates from our program. We hosted our […]

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