For Teachers

Genius Hour

 Introduction: Inspired by Google’s 20% time idea, Genius Hour allows students to pursue their passions during a set period of school time. Based on Inquiry, students develop a question related to their passion that they can research. Projects can be something physical that they design, build, or create, or media based such as movies and slideshows. 
Grade Level: Intermediate (but could be adapted for primary or secondary students)
Duration: 60 minutes a week (students read, research, plan and design their Genius Hour projects)
Learning Outcomes: 
  • Connect and engage with others (to share and develop ideas)
  • Acquire, interpret, and present information (includes inquires)
  • Collaborate to plan, carry out and review constructions and activities
  • Explain/re-count and reflect on experiences and accomplishments
For more information on Learning Outcomes visit
*Note: GH projects should not be graded. It is the process that you want to focus your assessment on, not the final product. 
1. Get Inspired (show video clips to inspire and motivate your students)
2. Brainstorm Ideas (give examples of GH projects) Here is an example of a student’s Stop-Motion GH project flaming snail copy
3. Go over Rules (adapt for your class and grade level)
4. Create and Inquiry or Driving Question (big questions you can’t answer by simply “Googling”)
5. Share and Reflect (how will you share it? Take it to the next level?)
 *Note: Depending on your grade level and class, you may need to provide more or less criteria for students. Before you begin ask yourself the following questions:
– Do you want students to conduct their research using a variety of sources, not just the internet?
-Do you want them to have a minimum number of facts on the topic?
-How will they share their work? Present to the class?  Other classes? The school? On their blogs?
-Do they have a timeline when their projects need to be done by, or is the project ongoing?
Can they work on their projects at home or just at school? (GH time should be used for work on GH projects only, it is not free time or catchup).
-Can they work with a partner? 


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