This week’s guest presentation made me realize the immense power that research has and the responsibility we hold as students conducting research. I realized this when our guest lecturer Craig was talking about the changes in housing availability in the Richmond Park and Maywood areas of Burnaby. This presentation was personal to me as Burnaby is where I have been born, raised and live in to this day. Although I have seen these changes housing before, it was not until Craig’s presentation that I realized the true, somewhat negative implications of the changes to the neighbourhood. To be completely honest, I was quite shocked and even frightened after hearing him explain what may come to the place I’ve called home for 20 years. It was a powerful message that was shared and I realize now how researchers must always greatly consider the impact of these messages that produce and share. Whether we use surveys, interviews and focus groups, the information retrieved from the research is much more than data; they are stories about the lives of people and the results of the research can greatly alter how their stories unfold.