45 millions loss per year for the Golden Ears Bridge project.

It is reported by TransLink that Golden Ears Bridge loses 45 millions per year, in that fewer people are driving through than expected.

The Golden Ears could possibly  $35 million to $45 million annually for the next few years although the transportation amount is increasing 2-3% each year.

“There could be many factors why fewer people are using the bridge than originally forecast,” said in an emailed statement of Sany Zein, who is TransLinl’s director of roads.  “One of the major factors is that the original forecasts were prepared well before the recession of 2007/08, at a time of extremely robust economic growth and lower gas prices.

“The recession, slower economic growth, and high gas prices have all contributed to less demand than originally expected.” Zein added that.

Originally, the company expects a increase in the number of drivers gain in the future years that are “consistent with the economic growth in the market area of the bridge,” Zein said.

After the project was completed in 2009, TransLink agreed to subsidize $800-million Golden Ears Bridge for the private operator — which replaced the original plan of the company(The Albion ferry) — until it reach projected ridership figures. Tolls from the bridge linking Langley to Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge have become cheaper of traffic projections each year of its young life except last year.

With the economic recession happened in 2008/09, the lagging transportation growth did not bring TransLink the expected profit. Currently, the fee for passing the bridge is $3, should TransLink change its price tactics to compensate for the loss of money each year?


Keystone Pipeline is seen as an unnecessary project

As the modern rail transportation developes rapidly, oil producers and refineries start to shift their attention away from the Keystone XL pipeline, in other words, the once money and labour consuming project is now seen as unneeded, a report from Canaccord Genuity Inc. says.

Here is the historical background of the Keystone Pipeline Project:

TransCanada Corporation purposed the project in 2005, most people who vote against this project mainly argue that it will cause serious damage to the environment, while others argue that it creates much work opportunities for the US but benefits a little for Canada. Despite much voice of opposition, the project became operational in June, 2010. One of the horrifying accidents related to this project was the lac megantic derailment, which causes numerous death and a great deal of damage to the environment.

That being said, the project is now considered to be abandoned because of the developement of rail transportation. Nevertheless, there remains many questions to the stakeholders and to the public.

1: If the project was never approved, why spend so much money in the first place?

2: Who is going to compensate the loss of lives and environmental damage caused by the project?