Lockout turning NHL into an N-H-Hell

With the regular season fast-approaching, and budgetary issues remaining, hockey fans all over the globe are in a panic. However, the National Hockey League officials seem to be more concerned with how thick they can keep their wallets, and forget that consumer interest is being toyed with in the process.

NHL Lockout Affects Many

With a revenue pot of about $3billion, there have always been debates about what share goes to players, and how much is left for the NHL itself. Apparently, the players’ share is too high for the NHL’s liking, so until further notice, the NHL is a no-go this season. What kind of impression does this leave on the fan-base though? It seems as though the sport we’ve grown to love so much in Canada could soon be viewed as the appealing by-product of a successful business. Between all this quarreling, the league must find a way to appeal to their consumers’ preferences, or else they might watch as their sizable paychecks shrink and shrink. By settling on some common ground, gameplay can start up again, then the little details can be dealt with after everyone has settled into the season.

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