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Archive for the 'Online Resource (Free)' Category

GPO Access Content Migration

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

GPO Access is in the process of moving information into a new database: Federal Digital System (FDsys).  Some collections are no longer available in GPO Access, one is available  in both and the rest are set to be moved into FDsys by the end of 2009. According to the GPO FDsys “is an advanced digital […]

New Treaty Database from the UN

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

The UN recently put up a database of Diplomatic Conferences which will provide the searcher with access to documents/background information on the negotiation of 12  international treaties.  The oldest conference contained in the database is the Law of the Sea, 1958 and the most recent is Conference on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, […]

2008 Employment Equity Act Annual Report released

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

 The Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Labour, today tabled the 21st Annual Report on the Employment Equity Act in the House of Commons.  “The report examines the hiring, retention and promotion of the four groups designated under the legislation: women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities. The findings in the report, […]

US Govt Accountability Office (GAO)

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009

Thanks to our fellow govpubs  bloggers at the University of Colorado, I’ve discovered a great website for anyone looking into current events south of the border.  The GAO “is known as ‘the investigative arm of Congress’ and ‘the congressional watchdog.’  GAO supports the Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and helps improve the performance and […]

Terrorism Legislation Database from the UN

Monday, June 15th, 2009

The United Nations Office for Drug & Crime (UNODC) has just created a database containing “counter-terrorism conventions, national criminal laws and case laws relevant to terrorism. ” From the site’s homepage: “This site aims to provide comprehensive and accurate legal information on the steps taken by the international community and individual countries in the fight against […]

BC – Parliamentary Journals 1851 – 1991

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

Our sources tell us that the Legislative Assembly of BC is in the midst of testing an interface for the newly digitized parliamentary Journals from 1851 – 1991.  It’s live right now and you can search within all the volumes, browse the indexes & appendices or scroll through the individual volumes.  Note, from 1872 – […]

New from Library & Archives Canada

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

Our friends at LAC have added a new database to their website: 1976 Cabinet Conclusions.  “This research tool provides access to the Cabinet Conclusions which summarize the discussions that took place at the meetings of the Federal Cabinet. They document decision-making at the highest level of the Canadian government and offer researchers a glimpse into […]

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