The dumbest generation? Say it isn’t so…

by Deirdre ~ September 16th, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized.

One of the best things about working in a library is getting to browse the new titles as they come in.  This one caught my eye right away and is on my to read list: 

The dumbest generation: how the digital age stupefies young Americans and jeopardizes our future (or, don’t trust anyone under 30) / by Mark Bauerlein

Interesting that, in the author’s view,  the tools that offer us so much knowledge and opportunity have become primarily  a timewasting form of superficial communication for the younger generation. Speaking of superficial – did I mention I haven’t read it yet? But I will, and will report back again when I do.

In the meantime, I found this YouTube interview with Bauerlein:

Bauerlein – Young Americans are the Dumbest Generation


1 Response to The dumbest generation? Say it isn’t so…

  1.   Dean Giustini

    Nicely done. I wonder why digital tools are blamed for superficial conversation. I think when I went to university we had plenty of that in our daily lives too.

    Just my two cents,

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