The Busy Life Solution

Effectiveness and efficiency are key factors to running businesses, doing homework, and just juggling life in general.

One of the required prep readings for Class Four contained the following diagram:


This chart had me quickly analysing my own lifestyle and priorities. Course work, quizzes, assignments, work, family, relationships, social media, and extracurricular activities trickled through my brain as I categorized and rationalized where each activity would belong.

Moreover, I sought to generalize five key components that help me juggle day to day activities:

1. Staying Organized. Investing in a planner was one of the smartest decisions made. By listing out all events, it is easier to prioritize and sort through important and not important activities.

2. Surrounding myself with people who are ambitious and driven. It is extremely beneficial to study with other people who are motivated. Others have much to offer in terms of knowledge and perspective.

3. Embracing flaws. Reflect on mistakes. Learn. Then move on.

4. Making time for people who matter. Relationships add value to life and time should be invested in pursing friendships and family.

5. Enjoying myself in the activities I pursue. Passion is an incredible drive that kills procrastination and makes daunting tasks more approachable.

Ultimately, whether on a professional business level, or a personal level, it is crucial to take into account how time is being managed and which activities are being prioritized.

Business Ethics


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There is “no right way to do the wrong thing.” The same principles of ethics apply whether in school, at home, or in the business world.

One may remember Nike’s tainted image in the late 1900’s where the “Just do it” slogan was marred with images of sweatshops and poor labour conditions in Asia. Nike’s practice of outsourcing led many to question the ethics of the company. Ultimately, Nike battled through its wavering reputation by raising the minimum age of factory workers, adapting to US clean air standards and initiating the Fair Labour Association.

Similarly, to battle the questionable practices of the clothing industry and alter the image of fast-fashion, H&M’s new Conscious Collection marks the company’s aim to produce eco-friendly and sustainable clothing.

In both scenarios, Nike and H&M opted towards more ethical business decisions. However, H&M is currently moving forward with healthy practices to prevent possible scandals, where as Nike’s improvements were due to its already tainted image. This exemplifies the rationale behind each company’s actions, thus raising certain questions.

Are ethical practices built upon an already ethically-run company with “moral” beliefs? Or do companies opt to be more ethical in order to preserve its image?

I answer both. The importance lies within the fact that companies have incentives and are motivated to become more ethical. Thus, they set trends in the business world through responsible practices.

Perhaps one day there will be a moral compass app?

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