last post of rmst 202:(

I can’t believe its my last post! I have throughly enjoyed this little community we’ve all created and reading everyone’s blogs. This course was so unique and probably one of my favourite courses I’ve taken! I’ve never done grade contracting before and was a bit hesitant when I contracted to read 11 books. But now that I’ve finished, I feel so proud of myself and definitely feel like a better reader than when I started this class.

I remember during the first week of school I felt so intimated by the amount of blog posts we had to do! I didn’t realize how fun and flexible they could be. I loved having this space to write whatever I felt and not worry that my interpretations were bad or wrong. It was such a nice reflective piece after reading and it felt like being in a giant book club! One of my roommates and I love reading and always try to read the same book at the same time. We have so much fun debriefing the book together and talking about our favourite or least favourite part. This class felt like those moments!

I think I have mastered the art of speed reading and knowing which aspects of a novel to focus on. I used to be a slow reader and I am very happy that I got this practice of reading a lot. Reading these books also never really felt like a chore and was a little routine for me. I go to Victoria almost every weekend, which requires an hour and a half boat ride. Those rides were reserved for this course and it felt so poetic reading these books as I made my voyage across the water.

I feel like one of the biggest things I learned from this course was understanding different perspectives. I usually read books that are set in North America or that are fantasy, so it was such a treat to read books from different places and cultures. I feel like I got a taste of what life is like in other places and learned a lot about the political/conflicts in other countries, like the civil war in Spain and the colonization in Angola. Also with the blog posts, I was regularly offered new perspectives from my classmates. It was so cool to read their thoughts and there was so many posts that helped me understand the books better and give me new insights I would have never thought of before.

My list of favourite books:

  • Book of Chameleons
  • The Shrouded Woman
  • The Lover

My least favourite:

  • Money to Burn

My final question is, what’s up next book wise? What book have you been putting off because we had our class readings? Mine is the third book in the Crescent City series!

I hope everyone has a great summer xx

6 thoughts on “last post of rmst 202:(

  1. Arella

    Hi Grace! If I had to pick up a book after class readings, it would have to be the book about Celtic mythology that’s been collecting dust in my dorm – which I’m very excited about because I’ve always wanted to research more about the gods and goddesses in that pantheon!

  2. Esther Zhou

    Hi Grace, I agree with you, taking this class has allowed me to practice thinking from different perspectives, specifically the class discussions have given me so many ideas that I did not know of.

  3. Jon

    Grace, I’m glad you enjoyed the course, and very happy you felt that it was a “little community,” like “a giant book club.” I sometime worry that the fact that everyone goes their own path could undermine that sense of togetherness, but in fact in some ways I myself feel it enhances it…

    You were consistently winning the “first blog post” award for many weeks, though sadly before we started instituting the awards! I appreciate the enthusiasm.

    As for your question, I think I may read the next Ferrante book, after My Brilliant Friend.

    Thanks again and enjoy the summer!

  4. Cici

    I would want to enjoy my upcoming summer break first, and then while doing so think about what books would resonate with me in the moment. Like, for example, when I used to travel in Sanya, I read a book about a single mom who embarked on a trip to Europe with her daughter.

  5. Nini

    Hi! Loved reading your blog!! As for what’s next in reading, I have no idea. I have over a hundred books just sitting on my bookshelf that are just waiting to be read. Also I hope you get around to reading the third book from Crescent City, I read it I think in January and loved it!



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