A club that differentiates the merely rich and the truly rich

October 1st, 2013 § 0 comments

One of the most luxurious nightclubs in the world, Pangaea, unveiled the world’s most expensive cocktail. A $26,000 cocktail, made using a gold-flecked Richard Hennessy cognac, a smoke-infused raw sugar cube with Jerry Bitters, topped with 1985 vintage Krug champagne and lastly garnished with a Mouawad Triple X 1-carat diamond attached to a chain. This cocktail takes the phrase “on the rocks” to a whole new level.

Besides the cocktail, Pangaea is also now the highest earning club in the world, says it’s owner, Michael Ault. Pangaea’s point of difference is their exclusivity. Every party in Pangaea is a rich man’s party. The 4,000 square feet establishment is embellished in 1000 –year-old saur tree tops or Ralph Lauren tables, granite podiums, and animal skinned sofas. Clubbing at Pangaea isn’t just a party, it’s an experience that will leave you wanting for more.

The southeast asian country, Singapore, home to Pangaea, also happens to have the most number of millionaires in the world. The big rollers in Pangaea aren’t necessarily old businessmen. The patrons of Pangaea include young people in their 20s, that own their own private jets.

As a Singaporean, clubbing at Pangaea has never even crossed my mind mainly because of the fact that it’s out of my league. Pangaea clearly sets its vision on the high society in Singapore (which doesn’t lack people with money).

“That Ferrari or that Maserati  – it is not for everyone and most people can’t afford it anyway but for some people it is exactly what they want – and Pangaea is a Ferrari of the nightclub world.”



Jetley, Neerja. “Singapore’s Multimillionaires: New Wealth Report Busts The Myths.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 27 Sept. 2013. Web. 02 Oct. 2013.

Yadav, Surekha A. “Rich Man’s Club: Pangaea Is Highest Earning Club in the World, Says Michael Ault.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 05 Dec. 2011. Web. 02 Oct. 2013.

MAHTANI, SHIBANI. “Wealth Over the Edge: Singapore.” Wall Street Journal. Wall Street Journal, 7 Mar. 2013. Web. 1 Oct. 2013. <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324662404578334330162556670.html>.


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