Why does singapore top so many tables?

October 25th, 2013 § 0 comments

Being a Singaporean living abroad, people often shroud me with questions when I tell them where I’m from. The most common question would be… “I heard that gum is banned in Singapore. Is that true?” Yes, it is true. No big deal. I don’t have to worry about gum stuck under tables or getting gum on the soles of my shoe.

Singapore topped tables such as…

  1. Lowest crime rates
  2. The Healthiest people in the world
  3. The easiest place to do business
  4. The largest manufacturers of jack-up oil rigs
  5. One of the least corrupt countries in the world
  6. Where millionaires are minted in the shortest time
  7. Top of the class
  8. The lowest drug abuse in the world
  9. The third largest gambling market
  10. The most unhappy people in the world.

With progress, comes great responsibilities. And with great responsibilities, comes great pressure. Which eventually leads to unhappiness. Singapore would be a great example of the phrase “money can’t buy you happiness.” The older generation in Singapore are very fixated on success and stability. And the younger generation is more fixated on personal happiness. So in time to come, the happiness level of Singapore should increase. Making it one of the best place to live in the world (besides the humidity and heat).


“Why Does Singapore Top so Many Tables?” BBC News. BBC, 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 25 Oct. 2013. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-24428567>.

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