No One Will Manifest Our Power on Our Behalf MLN, Volume 138, Number 5, December, pp. 1559-1564

2023. Co-authored with Pipestone Group. “On Linguistic Indifference.” The German Quarterly, Volume 112, Issue 4.

2021. Co-authored with 2019 German Studies Association Seminar on Decolonization. “Decolonization in German Studies: Report from a Seminar.” The German Studies Review, 25% contribution.

Es wäre viel einfacher, mich von diesem System völlig aufsaugen zu lassen.« Ein Interview mit derAktivistinautorin SchwarzRund.” German version, English version. In William C. Donahue & Martin Kagel, Die grosse Mischkalkulation: Essays on the German Business of Literature.

2020, with Chantelle Warner. “From the Kitchen to Gaza: Networking Spaces On and Offline and Collaborative Imagination.” In Can you hear me? Engaging multilingually in online international academic collaborations when borders are impassable, edited by Giovanna Fassetta for Multilingual Matters, 50% contribution.

2020, invited. “Back by Inscrutable Demand: Ali Itır’s Multilingual Return in Berlin Savignyplatz.” Monatshefte. November.

2020, invited. “Construindo uma nova noção pública sobre o Multilinguismo.” Cadernos de Tradução 40: 15–32.

2020, invited. “Dear Incoming Graduate Student Colleague.” In Diversity and Decolonization in German Studies, edited by Regine Criser and Ervin Malakaj. Palgrave, 309–326.

2020, invited. “The Application Wor(l)d Quit Unexpectedly: Waterhouse and Worldedness.” In Darstellung als Umweg. Essays und Materialien zu Peter Waterhouse (Krieg und Welt), edited by Christine Ivanovic. Vienna/Münster/Zürich: LIT Verlag, 127–138.

2020, peer reviewed, with Patrick Ploschnitzki. “„Aus heutiger Sicht gab’s damals nicht“: Jan-Ole Gerster’s Oh Boy and the Frischian Opacity of Vergangenheitsbewältigung.” Monatshefte 111(4): 514–532, 50% contribution.

2020, invited. “Letting the System Completely Absorb Me Would Be So Much Easier: Interview with SchwarzRund, author of Biskaya,” translated by Patrick Ploschnitzki. Transit 12(2): 91–101, 10% contribution.

2019, invited. “On Reelecting Monolingualism: Fortification, Fragility, and Stamina.” Applied Linguistics Review, 1–18.

2019, invited. “Literary Studies and Language Contact.” In Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (Handbooks on Linguistics and Communication Studies), edited by Jeroen Darquennes, Joe Salmons, and Wim Vandenbussche. Berlin: de Gruyter, 740–750.

2019, invited, with The Eaton Group (Agata Szczodrak, Diane Richardson, Lindsay Preseau, Marc Pierce, Karin Maxey, Jan Kühne, David Johnson, Ivett Guntersdorfer, Edward Dawson, Nick Block). “A Multilingual Turn in German Studies: Premises, Provisos, and Prospects.” Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German 52(1): 14–31.

2019, peer reviewed. “Supralingualism and the Translatability Industry.” Applied Linguistics, special issue on Translating Culture, edited by Zhu Hua and Claire Kramsch, 1–20.

2018, invited. “Queer / LGBT Approaches to Translation Studies.” The Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation, edited by Ben Van Wyke and Kelly Washbourne. London: Routledge, 495–507.

2018, invited. “We Innovators.” In Sloganization in Language Education Discourse, edited by Barbara Schmenk, Stephan Breidbach, Lutz Küster. Multilingual Matters, 19–41.

2018, invited. “The Affront of Untranslatability: Ten Scenarios.” Untranslatability, edited by Duncan Large,  Motoko AkashiWanda JózwikowskaEmily Rose. London: Routledge, 80–96.

2017, invited. “Sprachdifferenz und Einsprachigkeit.” (“Linguistic Difference and Monolingualism.”) In Handbuch Literatur und Mehrsprachigkeit (Handbook on Literature and Multilingualism), edited by Till Dembeck and Rolf Parr. Kornwestheim: Narr-Verlag, 169–184.

2017, peer reviewed. “Elective Asymmetries: Orhan Pamuk Teaching World Literature.” Approaches to Teaching the Works of Orhan Pamuk, edited by Sevinç Türkkan and David Damrosch. Modern Language Association of America, 173–182.

2017, peer reviewed, co-authored with Sarah Craig. “Is there a Right to Untranslatability? Asylum, Evidence, and the Listening State.” Tilburg Law Review 22(1–2): 77–98, 50% contribution.

2017, co-authored with Martina Schwalm. “World Literature (Already) Wrote Back: Sabahattin Ali after Germany.” In Jahrbuch Türkisch-Deutsche Studien, Special Issue on The Transcultural Critic Sabahattin Ali and Beyond. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 1–18, 50% contribution.

2017, invited, with Deniz Göktürk. “Germany in Transit, Ten Years On.” The German Quarterly. 90(2). 3 pp., 50% contribution.

2016, peer reviewed, co-authored with Chantelle Warner. “Whose ‘Crisis in Language’? How Translingual Students Critically Reframe the Future of Foreign Language Learning,” L2 Journal. 19 pp., 50% contribution.

2016, invited. “Zur Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung in der interkulturellen Germanistik: Wende, Romanze, Rückkehr?“ (“On Multilingualism Research in Intercultural German Studies: Turn, Romance, or Return?“) Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik 7(1). 15 pp.

2016, invited, co-authored with Aniruddha Dutta. “Translating Transgender.” Transgender Studies Quarterly 3(3-4): 333–358, 50% contribution.

2016, invited. “Researching Multilingually in German Studies: A Brief Retrospective.” German Studies Review 39(3): 529–540.

2016, peer reviewed. “Hysterical Postsecularism.” Cultural Critique 93: 86–112.

2016, invited, co-authored with Ilker Hepkaner. “Translating the Translingual Novel in Early Turkish Republican Literature: The Case of Sabahattin Ali.” Authorizing Translation: Literature, Theory and Translation, Yearbook of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), edited by Michelle Woods. Routledge, 32–46, 50% contribution.

2016, invited. “Translanguagers and the Concentrationary Universe.” Interpreting in Nazi Concentration Camps: Challenging the ‘Order of Terror’, edited by Michaela Wolf. London: Bloomsbury, 43–58.

2016, invited. “Seven Types of Multilingualism: Or, Wim Wenders Enfilms Pina Bausch.” The Multilingual Screen, edited by Tijana Mamula and Lisa Patti. Bloomsbury. 37–58.

2015, invited. “Interculturality and Multilingualism on the Threshold of the Third Reich.” The Multilingual Challenge: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, edited by Ulrike Jessner and Claire Kramsch. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton. 161–183.

2015, peer reviewed, co-authored with Stewart C. Alexander, David Kirkland Garner, Matthew Somoroff, Sally A. Norton, and Robert Gramling. “Using music[al] knowledge to represent expressions of emotions.” Patient Education and Counseling. 1–7, 10% contribution.

2015, peer reviewed, co-authored with Elizabeth Gajary-Coots, Susan Stanek, Nathalie Dougoud, Heather Pyke, Marie Thomas, Jenica Cimino, Mechelle Sanders, Stewart C Alexander, Ronald Epstein, Kevin Fiscella, Susan Ladwig, Wendy Anderson, Stephen Pantilat, Sally A. Norton, and Robert Gramling. “Design and Enrollment in the Palliative Care Communication Research Initiative: a Direct-Observation Cohort Study.” BMC Palliative Care. 1–14, 5% contribution.

2014, invited. “This is How You Lose Multilingual Literature: Junot Díaz in an Age of International Content-Delivery.” American Book Review. July/August, p. 8.

2014, invited. “Getting up onto Monolingualism: Barthes, Kafka, Myth.” Challenging the Myth of Monolingualism, edited by Till Dembeck and Liesbeth Minnard. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 15–38. 

2014, invited. “The Invention of Monolingualism from the Spirit of Systematic Transposability.” Philologie und Mehrsprachigkeit [Philology and Multilingualism], edited by Georg Mein und Till Dembeck. Winter Verlag: 113–134.

2014, invited. “What is Turkish-German Studies Up Against? Thigmotactics and Occidentialism.” Colloquia Germanica 44(4). 382–395.

2014, with Chantelle Warner. “Kontaktpragmatik: Fremdsprachliche Literatur und symbolische Beweglichkeit.” [“Contact Pragmatics: Foreign-Language Literature and Symbolic Agility.”] Deutsch als Fremdsprache [German as a Foreign Language] 51. 67–76, 50% contribution.

2014, peer reviewed, with Stewart Alexander, Susan Ladwig, Sally Norton, J. Kelly Davis, Maureen Metzger, Jane DeLuca, and Robert Gramling. “Emotional distress and compassionate responses in palliative care decision-making consultations: A direct observational study.” Journal of Palliative Medicine 17(5). 579-584, 10% contribution.

2013, invited, co-authored with Chantelle Warner. “Gerade Dir hat er eine Botschaft gesendet: Contact Pragmatics and the Teaching of Foreign Language Texts.” Transitions and Traditions: Curricula for German Studies, edited by John Plews and Barbara Schmenk. Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 209–226.

2013, invited, translated by Ekbert Birr. “Zur Abwicklung des Mythos literarischer Einsprachigkeit.” [“Unraveling the Myth of Literary Monolingualism,”]. kultuRRevolution: zeitschrift für angewandte diskurstheorie [Culturevolution: A Journal for Applied Discourse Theory] 65(2). 11–16.

2013, peer reviewed, co-authored with Robert Gramling, Sally Norton, Susan Ladwig, Maureen Metzger, Jane DeLuca, Daniel Schatz, Ronald Epstein, Timothy Quill, and Stewart Alexander. “Direct observation of prognosis communication in palliative care: a descriptive study.” Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 45(2). 202–212, 10% contribution.

2012, peer reviewed. “An Other Unspeakability: Levi and Lagerszpracha.” New German Critique 39(3). 165–187.

2012, co-authored with Robert Gramling. “Laughing at the Dark: Tactical Humor for Autonomous Decision-Making in Serious Illness.”  Journal of Palliative Medicine 15(11). 170–172, 50% contribution

2012, invited. “The Oblivion of Influence: Mythical Realism in Feo Aladağ’s Die Fremde [When We Leave] (2010).” Turkish German Cinema in the New Millennium: Sites, Sounds, and Screens, edited by Sabine Hake and Barbara MennelBerghahn Books. 33–43.

2012, invited. “You Pray Like We Have Fun: Toward a Phenomenology of Secular Islam.” Migration and Religion: Christian Transatlantic Missions, Islamic Migration to Germany, edited by Barbara Becker-Cantarino. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 175–191.

2011, peer reviewed. “My Ardinghello: Heinse and the Importance of Being Epistolary.” The Germanic Review 86(1). 23–36.

2010, invited, co-authored with Chantelle Warner. “Toward a Contact Pragmatics of Literature: Habitus, Text, and the Advanced L2 Classroom.” Critical and Intercultural Theory and Language Pedagogy. edited by Glenn S. Levine and Alison PhippsAAUSC. 57–75, 50% contribution.

2010, with Judith Butler, in Turkish. “Homofobi Adlı Ruhsal Bozukluk [Do Not Give them Your Photographs: On Militarism, Secularism, and Homophobia],” translated by Ahmet Gürata. Bir+Bir 4: 8–11, 33% contribution.

2010, peer reviewed. “On the Other Side of Monolingualism: Fatih Akın’s Linguistic Turn(s).” German Quarterly 83(3). 353–372.

2010, invited. “The Caravanserai Turns Twenty: or, New German Literature—in Turkish?” Alman Dili ve Edebiyati Dergisi / Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur [Studies in German Language and Literature] 24. 55–83.

2009, peer reviewed. “The New Cosmopolitan Monolingualism: Linguistic Citizenship in Twenty-first Century Germany.” Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German 42(2). 130–140.

2008, peer reviewed, co-authored with Robert Gramling, William Klein, Mary Roberts, Molly Waring, and  Charles Eaton. “Self-rated cardiovascular risk and 15-year cardiovascular mortality.” Annals of Family Medicine 6(4). 302–306.

2007, peer reviewed. “Pamuk’s Dis-Orient: Reassembling Kafka’s Castle in Snow.“  TRANSIT: 3(1): 1–20.