Hello everyone! Welcome to my website which offers interactive learning resources about green roof designs! This website intends to use interactive features to help you learn more about green roof designs, and will use Cape Town as a case study to show you how green roofs can contribute to innovative Stormwater Management. We’ve covered most of the things you need to know about green roofs, and we hope after visit this website, you can view green roofs differently!
Test your Knowledge about Stormwater Management!!
Want to test your existing knowledge about the urban Stormwater Management? Here are some exciting quizzes for you!

Popular Topics
Here’s some of our most popular topics! You’ll find a little bit of everything you need here.
- The “Why green roofs” topic covers the background of conventional Stormwater Management, and why low impact development technologies such as green roofs have emerged. Anyone who would like to know more about the background of urban stormwater runoff and green infrastructures can have a look at this topic.
- The “What is a green roof” topic covers the holistic review of the green roof design. Components of the green roof such as vegetation, growth substrate, filter layer, drainage layer, waterproofing layer, and root barrier are discussed under this topic.
- The “Green roofs & Stromwater management” covers the factors influencing the hydrological performance of the green roofs as well as how the green roof impact the water quality treatment performance.
- The “Green Roofs, Case study: Cape Town” details the green roof opportunity for Cape Town. Cape Town’s local climate conditions, existing policies that supports the implementation of the green roofs, as well as the possible challenges associated in the context of Cape Town is provided. This topic is intended for decision-makers, policy-makers, and urban planners who are interested in implementing green roofs in the Cape Town region or other cities with a similar climate and social structure.
About the Author

Author: Kimberly Liu
Postgraduate student at the University of British Columbia studying Master of Land and water system. She is passionate about experiencing new cultures through travel and culinary exploration.