Prof. Daniel Roehr and greenskins lab team Jon Laurenz, Jericho Bankston, Feng Wu, Isabel Kunigk and Kevin Kong have been invited to exhibit at the TIME SPACE EXISTENCE exhibition, an extensive biennial architecture and design exhibition in Venice, Italy, from May 22nd to November 21st, 2021, coinciding with the Venice Architecture Biennale. The event will be held in the historical centre of Venice at Palazzo Mora (lab exhibition location), Palazzo Bembo and the Giardini Marinaressa. In addition, everyone will have the possibility to experience the exhibition online through virtual tours and social media. A virtual exhibition walk through link will be provided to SALA as soon as it is available.
The lab is presenting their ongoing research of a globally usable Low Impact Design (LID) application to dimension LID in the concept phase of urban design projects. It also presents the content of their international LID workshops and lectures and current LID design examples being implemented in Europe through panels and a video created at multiple locations via ZOOM.

will go and see as I am in Venice at these dates