Gary Reimer's Blog

Linking Assignment

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Linking Assignment 1. Allison J – Mode-bending Some questions to consider when you summarize and reflect upon your links: 1. How has your colleague’s experience differed from yours? And how do you know? The contents of the bag are the first and best clue to how close a colleague’s life experiences are to one’s own. How they describe their relationship to these items complements this first impression. There was almost no overlap between the contents of Allison’s bag and my own. I don’t have vehicle keys, Tylenol, glasses, money, post-its,…read more


Final Assignment

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Final Assignment Gary Reimer University of British Columbia Student ID: 91757997 ETEC 540 Professor Ernesto Pena Alonso April 14, 2021 The mass movement of globalized capital and labour is a salient feature of contemporary life. In search of change or opportunity, people have left their homes to study or live abroad and this decision has often made it necessary for them to acquire new language skills, usually although not always, this has meant English. Governments, educational institutions, private sector firms and other stakeholders in recipient countries have come to rely…read more


Twine Story

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The Dragon, the Princess, and the Gold.html I’ll relate how I created the game first and then reflect on how the ideas in the unit provided insight into the process. The requirements of the task were the starting point as I knew I needed a minimum of 15 screens. Also, to add interest and to experiment with Twine’s features, the protagonist needed to make some decisions so I added places for branching in the plot. As preparation, I outlined this on paper with 15 boxes and labels like a storyboard….read more


Attention Economy

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After five minutes of fruitlessly trying various gambits to get this game started, I found myself staring at the cerulean blue screen of User Inyerface, thinking distractedly of the X-Files episode, “Pusher” where the killer mesmerizes his victims with this colour before dispatching them. I knew some classmates never got further and was beginning to think I would be one myself. I actually don’t know how I got past it. I was just clicking furiously and randomly on things when suddenly I was on the next screen. Still a mystery,…read more


Handwritten Document

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  1. Do you normally write by hand or type? Did you find this task difficult or easy? Explain. I hand record notes in a notebook when reading or listening to a podcast for MET courses. I also make lists and notes to record routine household work. Anything longer than a sentence for any purpose, I would either break up into note form or just keyboard. My English teacher in high school insisted on good penmanship and I still write this way, but meticulous writing requires more concentration and muscle…read more


What If … ?

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Dr. Vallor has said that we can improve our machines by improving ourselves. She might also have said that, conversely, we can improve ourselves by improving our machines. Speculating on possible futures to help us design the present are especially important with regard to AI and algos since the future world they help us build will be based on what we define for them as success today. Algos gone awry that lead to negative feedback loops could just as readily work in the opposite direction, virtuous rather than vicious circles,…read more


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