Time to Vote!!!! GSNA referendum is right around the corner!


Our upcoming GSNA referendum is coming up very soon: October 7th-14th!

While the GSNA strives to improve your graduate experience by providing peer support, networking, and opportunities to advance your skills, it is difficult to achieve this without financial support.

That is why the GSNA is holding a referendum asking you to vote on whether you approve a tuition fee increase, starting next term, of $25.00/year to support GSNA activities.

If approved by a majority vote, the money would be used to fund GSNA activities, such as the graduate nursing research symposium, pub clubs, town halls, and to purchase GSNA emblazoned materials to hand out at our events (i.e. pencils, flyers).

The polls will be open October 7th at noon until October 14th at midnight. Voting is very simple. All you have to do is sign in to the student service centre (https://ssc.adm.ubc.ca/sscportal/servlets/SRVSSCFramework

), look under the grades and records tab for WEBVOTE, and vote on the GSNA referendum.

Please vote (even if you do not agree!) and spread the word. If you have any questions please email kristi.panchuk@alumni.ubc.ca orsarah.liva@alumni.ubc.ca,

Please keep alert for upcoming emails re: the GSNA referendum.

Thanks! The GSNA team

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