What is this workshop?
GULT Professional Development Workshop is meant to provide an introduction, theoretical background, implementation guide, and resources (instructional framework, instructional strategies, lesson plans, appropriate EdTech Tools, assessment framework ) to Grand Unification theory originally developed by Davey (2011). An Introduction to this workshop may be completed in 1-2 hour Pro-D workshop, however, to harness the benefits of GULT theory fully, a full one-day workshop that allows maximum interactivity with the material is suggested. Participants are provided multiple online interactivities, however, if conducted face to face, hands-on materials may be given to finish the next step planning session which is to create GULT lesson plans, present/reflect on lesson plans and get peer feedback followed by an evaluation of the workshop by the participants.
What is this guide?
This guide provides information about the purpose and goals of this workshop, theoretical frameworks of instructional design of the website, information about prospective users, and the assessment of learning of the participants.
This workshop is intended for educators, administrators, curriculum designers, parents, students and anyone around the world who wish to understand the learning process and improve the quality of education and learning.
Goals of this workshop:
- To motivate the audience sufficiently to utilize the potential of all the learning theories using a universal, flexible and adaptable learning framework.
- To provide a basic start-up kit of resources (three unit plans: primary, elementary, and secondary along with assessment plan and appropriate EdTech tools) for individual classrooms to use the GULT learning framework.
- To provide a chance to reflect on participant learning via various activities along with assessment criteria.
Instructional design
4MAT Instructional design to promote the effectiveness of the Workshop Delivery
As teachers, we always aim to help our students construct learning in depth and breadth as specified by the curriculum. However, unorganized content delivery may not meet the requirement. Hence, to provide the best learning experience to our students, we need to understand the goal of education, nature of education, existing learning theories, develop responsive, personalized learning frameworks using available learning theories along with learning about how humans learn. The 4MAT Cycle of Instruction is a cycle that helps us to use brain-based learning strategies to unfold our full potential in an organized manner in four different steps. Please visit 4MAT Cycle page to know more about this cycle. We used the 4MAT Cycle of Instruction in our tutorial design, as well as in our sample lesson plans on Force and Motion (Newton’s Laws of Motion).
Who should use this guide?
- Teachers and Curriculum Designers: This guide is an ideal tool for teachers and curriculum designers who want to learn more about application of different learning theories in context, make personalized learning cycles, and adapt various constructivist strategies accordingly.
- Community, Parents, and Students: All these stakeholders can acquire detailed information about how learning theories are implemented in a classroom. This information may help everyone collaborate with teachers and curriculum designers instead of questioning the new teaching strategies during this transition phase of moving away from traditional teaching to 21st century student-led learning.
Visit different pages of the website to gain information in a systematic manner
Visit different pages of the website in a following order to experience 4MAT Instructional Cycle
- Stage 1: Connect and attend: Home and Why GULT
- Stage 2a: Inform: GULT in the Making, Learning Theories, Instructional Strategies, Instructional Cycles, 4MAT Spiral learning Framework
- Stage 2b: Image: Lesson Plan Primary, Lesson Plan Elementary, Lesson Plan Secondary
- Stage 3: Practice and Extend:Lesson Plan construction on Assessment 2 Page, Edtech Tools Padlet on Workshop Evaluation Page
- Stage 4: Refine and Perform: Reflection on Assessment 2 Page and Survey on Workshop Evaluation Page
4MAT Assessment cycle to assess the Workshop Effectiveness
The assessment cycle also follows 4MAT guidelines.
- Stage 1: Connect and attend: collaborating and creating personal connection
- Activity 1: Introductory Survey on Home Page
- Stage 2: Image and Inform: reading, analyzing, and reflecting on the provided research material and sample lesson plans
- Self assessment on Assessment 1 page
- Activity 2: GULT in the Making page
- Activity 3: Learning Theories page
- Activity 4: Instructional strategies page
- Activity 5: Instructional cycles page
- Stage 3: Extend and Refine: creation of a new lesson plan based on GULT framework that may include possible improvements along with the related research.
- Activities on Workshop Evaluation page
- Stage 4: Perform: presentation of the new lesson plan based on GULT framework that may include possible improvements along with the related research.
- Self assessment on Assessment 2 page
The interactivities in this tutorial rely on a constructivist, cooperative and engaging approach that comprises a variety of resources, both original and adopted. The digital interactivity’s and assessments will provide student-centered constructivist learning opportunities within a supportive online learning environment facilitated by our team.
Workshop Timeline:
- Before Morning Break: introduction and Rationale (Why GULT)
- Before Lunch: research and theory 0f GULT
- After Lunch: application of GULT (construction of lesson plans), peer feedback on lesson plans, presentations of lesson plans, and reflections.
Training Materials: The basic training can be provided directly from this website. Participants need a compatible device to access the website and participate in the activities. If participants do not have a compatible device they can share electronic devices or use traditional materials such as big posters, coloured pens/pencils etc.
To get the in-depth training to understand 4MAT cycle, training materials can be downloaded directly from the 4MAT website or attend the available workshops.
Keywords: GULT, 4MAT, professional development workshop, Education, EdTech, Science Education
4MAT Lesson Plans. (2016). Retrieved August 10, 2016, from http://www.4mationweb.com/4mationweb/4mation.php
4MAT Model of Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved August 10, 2016, from http://www.sacsa.sa.edu.au/content/doc_fsrc.asp?ID={2684DC74-724C-41E7-8FDA-135FC31805DB