Apr 7th, 2013 by haileyrae
As my second year winds down and my stress levels wind up I often find myself being asked to look back upon the brief school months that have passed. In between anxiety attacks about the onslaught of exams, I realize how quickly I actually get to glimpse each of my courses. It feels as though I was just settling into the routine of my marketing class; getting to know my team and classmates, and then ‘bam’ – its over. As the finality of it settles in, I’m asked to reflect on experiences and pages and pages of information jam-packed into three short months. It’s in these moments of calm before the panic where I’m quite proud of myself, my classmates and what we’re able to accomplish; everything that we’ve managed to learn and everything that Tamar has managed to teach and communicate.
I was planning on going into marketing since the start of this school year. I felt that I would find the most joy pursuing something with creative flair and connection to human nature and psychology. Intro to marketing with Tamar just confirmed that I was making the right decision. The final group video assignment was the most fun I’ve had in regard to a school project since I landed myself in University. Being able to collaborate creatively with my group, better understand the marketing mix and how to actually analyze a true, functioning-in-the-real-world business was, call me crazy, engaging and entertaining.
Knowing that the assignments given in this class are a reflection of what I may potentially be doing in the future gives me great relief. To know that I can actually enjoy my work and apply the concepts that I’ve learned in marketing, such as the 4P’s, to existing businesses that impact my daily life, almost makes every late night textbook foray and online submission scramble, incredibly worth it. Thank you Tamar, for one of the best University courses I’ve experienced so far.