Delta’s new Feature

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The airlines today are filling up close to 85% of available seats. Recently, Delta has made a new feature for the people coming on board the plane. The airline has added a new trait that lets people pay an extra to give a spot next to an unsold seat. Delta’s move to get ” money for nothing” addresses a problem for the business. As every seat for an airliner counts as a sum of the total revenue, this new feature Delta proposed is stopping them from getting their potential revenues. To explain, by letting someone buy off another empty seat with such a relatively cheap price compared to another potential buyer for the seat that would pay even more, Delta would not only lose from the money gained by the seats but also on trivial matters. For instance, in an airline, they serve drinks that needs to be paid. When people who board the plane buy off the seats, there would be not as much customers to buy the drinks than when all the seats are full with people.

LG Nexus 5 Service manual Leaks Online

LG is a conglomerate enterprise that is particularly strong with their home appliance products such as refrigerators, washing machines and televisions. Right now, they are also enlarging their mobile phone market share to even strengthen the company’s brand image and bottom line. Recently, the service manual of LG Nexus 5 has been leaked online. Reported by the Verge, the service manual gave out the specifications of the upcoming flagship device along with the schematics and instructions. Showcasing a series of drawings of the phone’s design as well as the full specifications sheet, a 281 page internal service manual was posted online. This sort of issue can be a great damage to the company as this not only reveals the company’s technology but as it also diminishes the consumer’s expectations toward LG’s newly introduced mobile phone, LG Nexus 5 would not be as successful than what LG would have expected.

iOS 7 has Issues


               Apple’s latest iOS 7 was released on early October. With the introduction of its new features and several changes in its performance design factor, Apple’s expectance for the success of this new product is very high. Users however, did not seem to be satisfied. With glitches and bugs the users have encountered in iOS 7, the problem with the product has damaged Apple’s brand image. Moreover, due to trivial problems within the product, this has pressured the enterprise to bring quick modifications. This in result would force Apple to spend additional input costs to manage their issues within the iOS 7. Right now, not only Apple’s rival Samsung but LG too is catching up to enlarge their global mobile phone market share in 2013. If Apple were to maintain their status as the number one leader phone market, it would be crucial for them to quickly fix the simple glitches and get their heads in the game.