Respond1: Rationality of The “hiking” Minimum Wage

Five provinces in Canada raised their minimum wage on Thursday, Oct 1st. Ryhs’s blog commented on this. According to him, this government plan is reckless and unachievable. He mainly pointed out that small businesses would be seriously affected. As a result, they would be forced to either raise the price of products or lay off the workers.

Canadian cash

Nevertheless, I strongly agree with the minimum wage raise. Firstly, as the Alberta Federation of Labour’s acting president, Siobhan Vipond said, the increases are actually good for Albertans and good for local business. Because people in this wage level tend to spend their money locally, raising the minimum wages just means giving them a larger budget to put into the local economy. Similarly, to raise the minimum wage actually helps offset the inequity of Canadian income. Moreover, improving the minimum wage is a necessary step to enhance public welfare and people’s standard of living.  Also, the “fight for $15” is demonstrated to be achievable. For example, San Francisco, Seattle and Los Angeles have already passed 15 dollar minimum wage laws. Besides, to strengthen and assure work efficiency, all businesses should guarantee that their employees are the best. This means that their employees are able to support themselves by working for this specific company.




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