Unit 1

Unit One Reflection

June 13, 2022


While I was writing the definitions I tried to take a “teacher’s” perspective to really simplify the definition as much as possible. As I understood that most individuals reading this definition would not have extensive knowledge of psychological terms, I chose to focus the language on general terms that the audience (no matter what their background is) could understand the concept. I found this process of breaking down a complex phenomenon to be slightly challenging, but highly engaging. Through this assignment, I was not only able to learn the skills to write a concise definition, but also learn how to generalize topics of complexity.


When I was self-editing, I was able to apply Andrew’s corrections to my definition. I appreciated his outlook in how adding various examples would make my definitions easier to relate to, as they would provide connections between the experiences of the audience and the text. Through the peer-review I was able to find other grammar or spelling mistakes within my definition, and be able to take the opportunity to correct those as well.


The self-editing part of the assignment was most likely my favourite part of the assignment. By being able to apply these corrections from a different perspective I was able to see the development of my definition. Andrew’s correction of being aware of creating opportunities for the audience to connect with the text is something that I will consider in my future writing pieces. As the primary goal of writing is to create an experience of engagement, I believe that fully understanding who you are writing for and comprehending their goals for reading the text is extremely crucial when completing future writing pieces.


Overall, through this exercise, I have learned to – learn how to condense and generalize complex information to the public, how to critically analyze other individuals’ definitions and communicate areas of strengths and weaknesses within their definitions to further strengthen their writing, and take the suggestions provided by a peer to revise my original piece to maximize the prose’s efficiency.

Revised Definition – Hanul

Jo Hempelmann Peer Review for Hanul Seo


Email 3/3 – Anushka Nair

Hey Anushka!

Your application letter was particularly interesting to me as it contrasted from mine. I appreciate how clear your goals are in terms of your career and applaud you for figuring out all the necessary steps to achieve your goals.

Additionally, when writing I also think it is crucial to understand your audience to be able to get your message and point across in an efficient manner.

I hope that we are able to reconnect in the near future to be in the same group for various writing assignments in this course.
Otherwise, I wish you success in your studies this semester!

Best regards,

Email 2/3 – Chris Jung

Hey Chris!

Your application letter was very interesting to read!

I found your previous experience of being a mechanical design engineer quite fascinating. I hope that we are able to reconnect in the same writing group as I would love to discuss regarding your decision to come back to school.

I resonated with the part where you had mentioned your ability to work in groups and strive in collaborative environments. I also find myself producing my best work when I am able to discuss with peers and discover new perspectives on various topics. Hopefully, we will be able to work together on upcoming projects as well.

Otherwise, good luck with your studies this semester.

Best regards,

Email 1/3 – Peter Yang

Hey Peter!

I really enjoyed reading your application letter! I recently graduated with a BA in Psych so I think we have some similarities there. As I am also not the most talented when it comes to math, I can see why you chose to go with Law as your first choice! Good luck with your studies.

I also appreciated your dedication to volunteering for your community. I think giving back is super important and I’m glad you think so too. I hope that we are able to reconnect in the near future to work collaborate in the same writing group and work on assignments together.

Good luck with your studies this term!



TO: Professor Erika Patterson

From: Hanul Seo

Date: May 30, 2022

Subject: 301HanulSeo_Application Letter

Dear Professor Patterson,

As requested on our Course Blog – I have posted my application letter on my blog page (https://blogs.ubc.ca/hanulseo/blog/).

The application letter entails:

  • An introduction to my classmates, and my interest in joining their writing team
  • My academic history
  • My professional history with various day to day tasks which highlight my skills and accomplishments
  • My academic background in psychology, and how this contributes to my efficient work habits
  • My ability to excel in collaborative environments
  • A call to action

I have attached a copy of the application letter to this memo for your reference.

If you have any questions, concerns or feedback regarding the letter, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Kind regards,
Hanul Seo

Enclosure: Application Letter

Application Letter

Class of UBC ENGL301
University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
May 30, 2022

Dear ENGL301 Classmates,

Pleasure to e-meet you all. My name is Hanul Seo, and this application letter is intended to introduce myself as well as express my interest in being a part of your writing group this term.

Throughout my career, I have contributed to impacting academic outcomes through effective organization, prioritization and execution of assigned tasks. Aside from my extensive work experience, my relevant qualifications include my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from UBC. Previously, in my Project Coordinator role, as well as within my role as a Youth Development Specialist, I exercised a calculated and methodical approach to oversee scope, define the main objectives, and manage; timelines, risk, quality issues, and communications. The organization and communication skills needed to perform these tasks highlight my ability to be not only an efficient, but also an effective writer. My ability to excel in this skills ultimately resulted in an increase in productivity by over 40%.

Additionally, while working with youth, I was called to develop and issue educational content including, tests and assignments, organize resources for lectures and presentations, and deliver personalized instruction to each student by encouraging interactive learning. Moreover, my extensive educational background within the field of psychology has allowed me to produce top tier papers and journal articles, and also be able to analyze the data produced and summarize such information to be accessible to the general public.

I collaborate productively within groups, and my positive demeanor builds an enthusiastic working environment for all. Moreover, my experience of growing up with three different cultures has allowed me to build stellar adaptability skills, enabling recognition of how adversity affects individuals. I believe my collaboration, interpersonal and leadership abilities will support and drive the continued success of our potential group.

I appreciate your evaluation of my credentials and look forward to your feedback.

With best regards,
Hanul Seo

