Marketing on Facebook: a new thing or an old thing with a new face

Increasingly, people are beginning to rationally analyze Facebook’s effectiveness as a marketing tool. However until very recently, businesses would simply scrambled to get behind this booming social networking website, believing that it was truly “the new thing”.

Is Facebook truly new? Let’s compare Facebook and television channels. As much as they are radically different means of advertising, they offer their clients essentially the same value proposition! And both suffer from the same disadvantages. Neither Facebook nor TV users engage in their respective activities with the intention to search for products or services. Thus both Facebook and TV ads must actively compete with more interesting contents. In addition, while Facebook boasts of its ability to target ads at the desired customer segment, the same effect can be achieved on TV by selecting the appropriate channel and air time.

Doubtlessly, Facebook offers top of the line social networking experience. In this frame of reference, Facebook reigns supreme. But if the frame were to be extended to include other competitors, then it lacks a convincing edge. Perhaps it time for Facebook to rework its advertisement delivery. Imagine if instead consumers were invited to look up what brands their friends are all buzzing about!

One response to “Marketing on Facebook: a new thing or an old thing with a new face

  1. lamjerome

    Good insights. I am writing a blog post in response to it!

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