Author Archives: Haotian Zhang

Business Ethics and CVS’s Corporate Social Responsibility Reputation


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CVS Vows to Quit Selling Tobacco Products

The news article above shows that CVS, the largest drugstore chain in America in overall sales, plans to stop selling all the cigarettes and other tobacco products by this October. It is also a sign for the company to become a health care provider rather than just a largely retail business.

It is a big move that will create a considerable impact in a positive way. The society will be impressed by CVS’s efforts to reduce tobacco sales, thus lowering the smoking rates and preventing diseases linked to smoking. This means preventing youth from smoking as well. All of these effects will increase the social welfare. CVS’s decision might also pressurize the other retailers which still selling cigarettes.

Although CVS claims that selling cigarettes and providing healthcare don’t go together, a company’s ultimate purpose is still making highest possible profit. Yes, it is not ethical for a drugstore which provides healthcare selling tobacco which is addictive, but it is not illegal. And the decision that stops selling cigarettes will undoubtedly drive away its smoking customers, thus losing part of revenue. However, CVS might believe that CSR practice is a better method to bring a higher profit because of the resultant good reputation. It might also build a corporate image among society, which is a company that cares about its social responsibility as much as making profit.