Email Message to Sangita

To: Sangita Dutta, English 301 student,<>

From: Helen Zhou, English 301 Student <>

Subject: English 301 Writing Team Invitation

Date: January 31st, 2023

Dear Sangita,

I am writing in hopes of forming a writing team together for English 301. I heard from Emilyn Sim and Tanya Mozafari that they have both reached out with an invitation and I wanted to extend my own personal request to collaborate.

After reading your application letter, I was impressed with your skills in scientific research and writing as well as your ability to collaborate in interdisciplinary teams. I noticed that we share similar strengths in ensuring efficient and effective communication and collaboration, which would serve as a great benefit in creating a productive team. Additionally, I believe we’ll be able to learn a lot from each other with our diverse knowledge, experiences, and perspectives.

Please let me know if you are interested in forming a team by February 1st, 2023. I have also attached my application letter below for review. I look forward to hearing from you.



Helen Zhou

301 Helen Zhou Application Letter

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