Blackberry Passport isn’t an iPhone killer


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Last week’s launch of our new Blackberry Passport handset provides a clear indication of BlackBerry’s singular focus: We are innovating mobile technology for serious users who care about serious productivity. The BlackBerry Passport offers powerful hardware and a clever keyboard that makes for a great reading and editing experience.The BlackBerry Passport is a pure productivity machine, and emblematic of the company’s professional, business-focused mindset. It’s packing powerful hardware, a slew of clever features, and a great foundation in BlackBerry OS 10.3, which is poised to give iOS and Android a run for their money — if there are enough apps.

Security, battery life and typing – those have always been BlackBerry differentiators and they are the core competencies professional users still expect from their devices. And let’s be honest: Most smartphones on the market are inadequate at meeting various (and sometimes all) of those basic technical needs.

From my point of view, Blackberry has stopped trying to kill the iPhone because they realized that they can’t kill the iPhone? No, i don’ t think so. Imagine if that demographic all of a sudden didn’t want to be associated with the game players out there. If they once again saw the blackberry as an exclusive device for those who have serious work to do. Even if these people had two phones and one was a iPhone, it’s still a win for Blackberry. Go Blackberry!


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