Cistus laurifolius (Cistaceae)

laurel leaved rock roseIMG_3901

(google images)

Common name: Laurel-leaved rock rose

Size, form, texture: medium shrub, height 1-1.2 m, spread 40- 60 cm, slightly sticky, nice clean leaves and stems, distinctive texture.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: one of longest living Cistus’, semi evergreen, needs regular irrigation, sheltered location with full sun, half-hardy, likes well drained rich soil. Native to Spain, portugal and morocco.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: Distinct papery crumpled looking white flower with yellow centre blooms in June to August, looks like crepe paper, strong aroma particularly in warmer weather, dark green narrow foliage, venation arrangement, white hairs on back of leaves.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: Requires protection in cold weather/winter, requires irrigation, good in flower borders, attractive to pollinators, nice contrast of delicate looking flower against strong dark green foliage.

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