Asclepias tuberosa (Apocyanaceae)


(image from google images)

Common name: butterfly weed, milkweed

Size, form, texture: height and spread 24 inches,

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: zone 3-9, native to North America, poisonous compounds to many insects except monarch butterflys who lay eggs on this plant, feed exclusively on this plant, and caterpillars avoid predation by ingesting poisonous compounds that make them poisonous to other insects, butterfly pollinated, tuberous roots that have a variety of medicinal uses, due to poisons leaves remain almost unaffected by any other insects, toxic to any other plant or us.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: alternate arrangement, attractive green foliage, orange/tangerine flowers, long flowering period, best in full sun.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: Good used in prairie plantings, rain garden, eclectic aesthetic.

Trachelospermum jasminoides (Apocynaceae)

confederate jasmine  jasmine



Common name: Confederate Jasmine

Size, form, texture: twisted twirling, climber, grows along walls, nice glossy texture, height 4.7- 12 m.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: Z 8 plant, long flowering evergreen, only grows in mild parts of Vancouver, commonly seen in tropics, not common in temperate zones, prefers full sun to part shade.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: twisted twirling flowers, white, nice scent, opposite leaves, dark green and glossy, flowers for 2 months.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: can only survive very mild conditions, delicate flowers, a nice accent to any fence or wall, would grow well on the island, really nice scent, gives tropical feel to garden, nice near entrance way, looks very like jasmine, scent is slightly more delicate.

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