Zantedeschia aethiopica (Araceae)


Common name: Calla lily

Size, form, texture: height 1-3 ft, spread 1-1.5 ft, clumping basal foliage with long elegant stems emerging and bracts and flowers at tip of stem.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: native to East Africa, Z 8, but with climate change is hardy enough to survive Vancouver, tolerates wet soil at any time, grows very well at edge of body of water, best exposed to western sun but shaded for hottest part of the day, floppier and taller in shade,

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: arrow shaped leaves (common to philodendron family), white trumpet shaped bract surrounds yellow spadex, anthers visible shedding pollen at appropriate time, fibrous pithy stems with lush green basal foliage, fruit is club like structure with red berries, fleshy rhizomatous root, resistant to rot as long as its not to cold or frosty

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: great cute flower, beautiful in borders or beds, nice accent to any landscape, understated elegance, would look nice with lush green vegetation like ferns surrounding.


Lonicera japonica ‘Halliana’ (Caprifoliaceae)


Common name: Hall’s honeysuckle

Size, form, texture: evergreen vine, climber or ground cover, height 15-30 ft, spread 3-6 ft

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: Z 4-9, robust and competitive, successful in Vancouver, well drained soil in full sun to part shade, dry to medium water use, attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: flowers on tips so will flower even if pruned, nice sweet scent, slender tubular white flower which turn yellow as they age, very attractive contrast of old and young flowers, attractive green foliage.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: low maintenance, vigorous (invasive in places), good fence cover, or can be used as ground cover when not supported, can be used for erosion control on banks or slopes, best to separate from other trees or shrubs as it can suffocate them, but effective for screen and covering wall or fence.


Acanthus mollis (Acanthaceae)


Common name: bear’s breeches

Size, form, texture: statuesque perennial, larger scale, height 3-5 ft, spread 2-5 ft, showy, clumping and architectural, evergreen.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: Z 7-10, very vigorous growing and competitive, to reduce growth can decrease amount of moisture, decrease amount of light, and increase the size of other plants. Requires sandy soil, rhizomatous, fertile well drained soil full sun to part shade, with moisture.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: broad leaf sinuses, flat lobed at leaf base, clumping and basal foliage, hair on stems, long flower spikes, attractive white foliage with purple bracts, upright flowering body, very attractive and unusual looking.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: Looks good alone, in massing, good for bold borders, can be aggressive but otherwise quite low maintenance.

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