Helictotrichon sempervirens (Poaceae)


Common name: Blue oat grass

Size, form, texture: height 2-3 ft, spread 2-2.5 ft, ornamental grass,

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: Native to central and southwestern Europe, Z 4-8, prefers full sun, well drained soil, minimal watering, dry to medium water requirements,

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: spiky blue leaf blades, flower blooms in June, rises above leaf clump and matures to golden wheat colour, showy, attractive contrast of foliage and mature stem.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: Some maintenance after mature bloom turns colour, previous years grasses may need to be removed from clump which requires delicate maintenance, good in borders, can be good in a pot, or attractive in mass or in sun garden. Good accent plant or subtle contrast with other blue or purple blooming perennials. Similar to blue sedge but larger. Perhaps would be interesting with some herbs such as rosemary or other shrubs.


Nasella tenuissima (Poaceae)

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Common name: Mexican feather grass

Size, form, texture: awns are extremely long and thin, clumping, soft texture, 1- 3 ft tall, bedding plant in colder garden, in hotter temperatures a fast growing grass

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: wind pollinated, native to western North America and South America, potentially invasive in California but no in Vancouver due to wetter conditions, Z 8 plant, not frost hardy

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: ornamental grass, no petals on flowers, fruit is the grain of the grass, coils when wet which encourages grain to spin and insert itself into the soil to seed.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: low water use, sun to part shade, requires well drained soil, does not like excess moisture (don’t overwater), looks good in pot, attractive whimsical appearance, borders or bedding, a fairly low maintenance grass in the right conditions, useful as low growing accent in landscape, deer tolerant.

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