Bergenia crassifolia (Saxifragaceae)

Bergenia, end of MarchIMG_3929

(image from google images)

Common name: pigsqueak

Size, form, texture: height 1-1.5 ft, spread 0.75-1 ft, evergreen ground cover, runs horizontally along ground, spreads broadly

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: tough plant, long lived perennials as long as no weavel issue, zone 4-8, native to Northeastern Asia, prefers consistently moist, well drained soils in part to full shade. Can tolerate some drought but foliage will discolour if soil is allowed to fully dry out. Plants spread by rhizomes, will suffer cold damage in winter.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: magenta pink bell-shaped flowers on racemes, foliage forms a thick carpet of leaves, flowers when cool feb-aril, lasts for months, decumbant stems that grow together,

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: low maintenance, promptly remove dead foliage maintain appearance, good in shaded or sun dappled borders, large leafed ground cover for woodland or shaded areas, good edging for shaded pathways or water margins.

Astilbe chinensis (Saxifragaceae)

astilbe chinensisIMG_3925

(image from google images)

Common name: Chinese astilbe

Size, form, texture: small upright fuzzy flowers with ferny foliage, height: 1-1.5 ft, spread: 1-1.5 ft, various forms, dwarf version (pumula) is an effective ground cover. Clump forming perennial.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: zone 4-8, prefers moist ground in semi shade, forms a solid matt of foliage, grows rhizomatously, herbaceous perennial, good in rain gardens. Grows well in average soils that area well drained in full to part sun.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: small fuzzy flowers with whitish stamens that extend past the corolla which can be white or a pink/lavender colour. Stems and leaves are coarse and hairy at first but eventually become smooth.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape:  Massing or grouping in shade gardens, good in planters, recognizable in the landscape, can be nice at waters edge. Maintenance involves removing old spent blooms, and can thin out if foliage gets to thick.

Astilboides tabularis (Saxifragaceae)


Common name: Shield leaf Rodgersia

Size, form, texture: height 90-120 cm, spread 75-90 cm, large mound of deep green leaves, bold specimen plant, hardy coarse texture

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: part shade (in drier climate) in clay soil, prefers moist or wet soil even by water body, acid, neutral, or alkaline pH, rhizomatous roots, best for it to not absorb to much heat

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: peltate leaf, stem attached to middle of blade, shield like, many lobes, compound leaf, flowers are white and hang down, big creamy astilbe like flowers that form early to mid summer

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: moderate maintenance, requires irrigation in heat, takes up a lot of space, good in borders, at waters edge, striking and very much like rodgersia. Looks attractive when water gathers in leaf centre. A slightly playful tropical appearance.

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