Nasella tenuissima (Poaceae)

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Common name: Mexican feather grass

Size, form, texture: awns are extremely long and thin, clumping, soft texture, 1- 3 ft tall, bedding plant in colder garden, in hotter temperatures a fast growing grass

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: wind pollinated, native to western North America and South America, potentially invasive in California but no in Vancouver due to wetter conditions, Z 8 plant, not frost hardy

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: ornamental grass, no petals on flowers, fruit is the grain of the grass, coils when wet which encourages grain to spin and insert itself into the soil to seed.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: low water use, sun to part shade, requires well drained soil, does not like excess moisture (don’t overwater), looks good in pot, attractive whimsical appearance, borders or bedding, a fairly low maintenance grass in the right conditions, useful as low growing accent in landscape, deer tolerant.

Dicentra formosa (Papaveraceae)



Common name: Pacific bleeding heart

Size, form, texture: height 6-12 in, spread 1-3 ft, spreading hardy perennial, along ground, elegant arching stems of flowers, delicate texture, woodland and ferny, dies down in summer

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: native to BC, thickened tuberose roots, flowers in spring, woodland conditions, hardy and tenacious, surprisingly drought tolerant

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: blooms in early spring (feb/march), pink dainty flower, attracts hummingbirds, showy foliage and flower, anthers stick out visibly.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: flowers longer with irrigation, low maintanence, good ground cover, looks nice with other woodland plants (ferns etc.), grows in wild, beds and borders also an option, part shade, and prefers moist fertile soil. Deer won’t eat this.

Astilboides tabularis (Saxifragaceae)


Common name: Shield leaf Rodgersia

Size, form, texture: height 90-120 cm, spread 75-90 cm, large mound of deep green leaves, bold specimen plant, hardy coarse texture

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: part shade (in drier climate) in clay soil, prefers moist or wet soil even by water body, acid, neutral, or alkaline pH, rhizomatous roots, best for it to not absorb to much heat

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: peltate leaf, stem attached to middle of blade, shield like, many lobes, compound leaf, flowers are white and hang down, big creamy astilbe like flowers that form early to mid summer

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: moderate maintenance, requires irrigation in heat, takes up a lot of space, good in borders, at waters edge, striking and very much like rodgersia. Looks attractive when water gathers in leaf centre. A slightly playful tropical appearance.

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