Sedum ‘Bertram Anderson’ (Crassulaceae)

sedum bertram andersonIMG_3939

(image from google images)

Common name: Bertram Anderson stonecrop

Size, form, texture: bushy herbaceous perennial up to 20 cm in height, spread 0.1-0.5 m.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: zone 7, south or east facing, prefer moderately fertile, well drained soil in full sun.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: rounded, fleshy purplish grey leaves, heads of rosy red flowers, bloom in summer and early autumn, succulent stems and leaves, clusters of small star shaped flowers.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: Good for flower borders and beds, garden city edging, courtyard gardens, container plants, rock garden coastal gardens, informal gardens.

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides (Plumbaginaceae)

ceratostigma plumbaginoides Ceratostigma_plumbaginoides


(image from google images)

Common name: leadwort

Size, form, texture: height 0.75-1 ft, spread 1-1.5 ft, wiry matt forming perennial, spreads by rhizomes.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: Zone 5-9, prefers average well drained soils in full sun to part shade, can be aggressive in ideal conditions, likes south facing heat,

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: Beautiful blue flower, clean foliage, late to emerge, doesn’t leaf out until end of may, gap in foliage in spring. Oval shiny green leaves with attractive upright stems bearing terminal flowers. Foliage turns rust coloured in fall.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: Forms attractive ground cover, good fall colour, attractive in masses, good as underplanting for shrubs, edging, nice in rock gardens or as front of border.

Origanum ‘Barbara Tingey’ (Lamiaceae)

Origanum Barbara TingeyIMG_3937

(image from google images)

Common name: Round-leaved oregano

Size, form, texture: Height 4 inches, width 8 inches, clump forming ground and rock cover.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: Zone 7-9, very good plant for bumblebees, open soil that heats up is required for bumble bee nesting, need full sun and very well drained soil.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: Bracts obscure flower, start green/yellow then goes pink then brown, disintegrates quickly. Blooms for months and months, blue-green slightly rounded heart shaped leaves.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: can be used in planters, hanging baskets, as edging, very attractive plant.

Asclepias tuberosa (Apocyanaceae)


(image from google images)

Common name: butterfly weed, milkweed

Size, form, texture: height and spread 24 inches,

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: zone 3-9, native to North America, poisonous compounds to many insects except monarch butterflys who lay eggs on this plant, feed exclusively on this plant, and caterpillars avoid predation by ingesting poisonous compounds that make them poisonous to other insects, butterfly pollinated, tuberous roots that have a variety of medicinal uses, due to poisons leaves remain almost unaffected by any other insects, toxic to any other plant or us.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: alternate arrangement, attractive green foliage, orange/tangerine flowers, long flowering period, best in full sun.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: Good used in prairie plantings, rain garden, eclectic aesthetic.

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