Papaver orientalis (Papaveraceae)


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Common name: Oriental poppy

Size, form, texture: height 45-60 cm, spread 45-60 cm, upright flowers with distinct green foliage which is not that attractive. Low clumping foliage with upright flower stems.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: full sun, normal sandy or clay soil, don’t like shade, do not plant with opium poppy,

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: huge satiny flowers in late spring or early summer, hairy leaves and stems, often red but can also get in pastel tone, short blooming season in early summer or late spring.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: Attracts butterflies and tolerates deer and rabbits, dies down completely so should plant with something that will come in succession after blooming period such as Rudbeckia, ferns, fall flowering grasses, or Russian sage. Cheerful when in bloom, symbolic of world war II remembrance day.


Eryngium agavifolium (Apiaceae)

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Common name: Agave leafed eryngo

Size, form, texture: architectural evergreen perennial, 2 ft height, 4 ft spread.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: prefers very dry site, doesn’t tolerate moisture, full sun to part shade, hardy and persistent. Z 6-9.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: flat stemmed semi-evergreen rosette, architectural, glossy dark leaves with toothing on edges, greenish white thimble like blooms in late summer.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: very drought tolerant once established, low maintenance, prefers sandy, deep, well drained soil. Interesting shape and texture in the landscape, bold striking form. Attractive to bees, and butterflies, deer tolerant. Adds interest to a sun garden, looks good with other drought loving perennials and some grasses, pairings include: Salvia greggii, Acanthus mollis, shrub roses, verbascum, blue oat grass and hebes.

Centaurea montana (Asteraceae)


Common name: Mountain bluet

Size, form, texture: medium size, 2 ft height,

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: very successful in this climate, problematic only in dry areas like Oregon and California. Z 3-8, attracts birds and pollinators.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: large, showy violet blue flowers in late spring, very attractive black outline bracts (characteristic of centaurea). Bracts at base of flower protects buds, hairy edges of flower, leafy and robust foliage, composite flowers. Blooms for four weeks or more, attractive green leafy foliage when not in bloom, blooms in late spring and early fall.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: can be cut back after bloom to freshen foliage, low maintenance, easy to grow, likes full to part sun, can tolerate hot dry sites, normal soil conditions. Nice in border, good for cut flowers, distinct and unique.

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