Kirengeshoma palmata (Hydrangeaceae)

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Common name: yellow wax bells

Size, form, texture: Height 3-4 ft, spread 2-4 ft,

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: native to Japan and Korea, Z 5-8, Korean version more rare, slightly larger and more lush than Japanese version, though Japanese version more commonly in cultivation, very tough plants, shade loving perennial, butterfly pollinated plants, and hummingbirds. Shade loving needs lots of water, best in moist, humusy, acidic well drained soil.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: yellow bell-shaped flowers flowering in June to July, robust tough flowers, distinct opposite leaves, spherical fruit with green capsule with 3 antenna left after bloom, 2 months of flowers than 1 month of fruits, long attractive display, very attractive unique foliage, upright architectural stems, growing close together and massing

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: Once established low maintenance and unique plant, especially good along borders, in massing, looks great on own.

Inula magnifica (Asteraceae)

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Common name: Himalayan elecampane

Size, form, texture: tall free flowering, upright perennial, height 1.5-2.5 m, spread 0.5-1 m, bushy.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: prefers part shade, moist but well drained soil, H 7, deep fertile soil.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: large basal ovate leaves, daisy like yellow flower heads, unique looking plant, almost like Van gogh painting, unique thready flowers, could potentially look a tad messy when not in bloom, short blooming period is the problem with all Inulas, very ready involucer, geometric tough buds, need space but will grow very well in sun.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: Great in border, must plant in succession with something else as short bloom, cheery and charming appearance.

Echinacea purpurea (Asteraceae)


Common name: purple coneflower

Size, form, texture: height 2-5 ft, spread 1.5-2 ft, look sparsely planted at first but grow into surrounding space.

Hardiness, origin, native ecology: prefers well drained soil, in full sun to part shade, best in full sun, very hardy plant, drought tolerant, good in hot dry location, native to Ohio river valley, can tolerate excess moisture or shade, but short lived in to much moisture. Needs well drained soil, and will expand laterally.

Bud, foliage, flower and fruit characteristics: Stiff bronze flowers (in centre) with no petals fertile flowers, surrounding by purple petals, composite flower, loved by bees, bloom for about 2 months, bronze cone persists when purple petals fall, green, ovate, broad lanceolate foliage.

Cultural and maintenance requirements and appropriate uses in the landscape: good for massing borders, nice plant for meadow, naturalized or wildflower garden or part shade of woodland garden. Could look nice with black eyed Susan in flower border.

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