Primula Candelabra Hybrids

Primula Candelabra Hybrids candelabra primrose Primulaceae3

Primula Candelabra Hybrids
candelabra primrose

Characteristics: Elegant and architectural. The upright stem with candelabras of flowers compliments the leafy base. Very leafy – a rosette (cluster) of leaves at its base radiating from a central point. The petiole is the stem of the leaf. Common features of primulas: the blade is often decurrent along the stalk and continues right down to the base, and flowers consist of five notched limbs. Separate whorls of flowers. Good value 6-8 weeks spring flowering. It is promiscuous in that it shares pollen and will produce seedlings that will mix colours- wide range from yellow to orange, pink to purple.

Growing conditions: Shade perennial that grows in cool, moist conditions. Never plant in full sun. Needs organic, rich soil that holds moisture.

Limitations: Potential unwanted mixing of colours could occur from cross pollination.

Primula candelabra hybrids

Primula Candelabra Hybrids candelabra primrose Primulaceae