Rodgersia pinnata

Rodgersia pinnata fingerleaf rodgersia Saxifragaceae2       Rodgersia pinnata fingerleaf rodgersia Saxifragaceae3

Rodgersia pinnata
fingerleaf rodgersia

Characteristics: Dense cover with attractive white flowers complimenting the red stems. Pinnata for having pinnately compound leaves. Small, simple 5-petaled white and red flowers born in real profusion. Typically flowering in June for 3 weeks with persisting red calyxes for another month and a half. The calyxes are very attractive, creating a sense of a long bloom period.

Growing conditions: Require moist soil, can tolerate light shade. Forms a solid mass of rhizomes that prevent weeds from growing. Suitable for a large area to cover in summer.

Limitations: Large and spreading – not suitable for a small home garden.

Rodgersia pinnata