Seminar on November 18, 2016

Please join us for the next HERG seminar:

Friday, November 18, 2016, 12:00-2:00, Multipurpose Room (room 2012), Ponderosa Commons Oak House

Michelle Nilson, Associate Professor, Education, SFU
Building Canadian Higher Education Community Resources

Canadian higher education scholars draw largely on the body of literature that originates in the United States, with some instances of literature coming from the United Kingdom or Australia. If we were to mark the beginning of higher education scholarship in Canada (e.g., as distinct from scholars whose research context is higher education institutions) by the founding date of the Canadian Journal of Higher Education and Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, the field in Canada is just shy of 50 years old. This is half the age of analogous societies in the United States but older than CHER in Europe, which was founded in 1988. Over those 50 years, participation in the knowledge building of the field has remained narrow, with just a handful of scholars producing the bulk of the resources and research. In this presentation, I share two examples of efforts aimed at expanding the capacity and resources of the field while also encouraging the participation of emerging scholars. Then, I will share my personal journey through the process of book publication as one avenue for contributing to the body of higher education scholarship in Canada.

Referencing this recently published book:
Shanahan, T.R., Nilson, M.J., & Broshko, L. (Eds.). (2016). The Handbook of Canadian Higher Education Law. McGill-Queen’s Press-MQUP.–the-products-9781553394426.php

Compendium of Canadian Postsecondary Education Data Sources.
Available online at:

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