What’s wrong with Windows 8?

I have just bought a new PC which comes with Windows 8.  The new system is efficient and response time is quick.  It only takes several seconds to switch on and shutdown, which is much better than the old Windows versions.

However, there are so many negative comments about the windows 8 user interface and so many reports on the poor sales.  Therefore I started thinking, why such a good product receives so many bad reviews?  With Microsoft’s famous brand name, this should not have happened.  With so many smart people working in Microsoft, what went wrong with their sales and marketing?  Some people suggest that Microsoft wants to merge the PC interface with tablets and phones, so they have decided to change to have a uniform look.

To me, the new system took me a few days to get used to since the familiar icons are no more present.  However, most users now are office workers and I suppose they would not want to spend time learning the new system.

Perhaps Microsoft has become too confident assuming the customers would change to suit its products.  In the past, PC was more for entertainment than work, therefore customers were eager to adapt the new software.  Nowadays, PC is commonly used at work while people use smartphones for entertainment.  People only want to be working with something they are familiar with and that is the reason why they complain about the unfamiliar software.

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