Samsung’s success

In a survey about global brand names, Samsung comes second in 2013, just after Apple.  It was ranked just 18 in 2011 so it is a really big jump.  Not surprisingly why we are surrounded by so many Samsung products, especially its smart phones.

Not long ago. “made in Japan” means innovation and good quality.Regarding audio and visual products.  Sony used to be the best brand, but now it is overtaken by Samsung.  How did samsung make this possible?  There was s story that Samsun Chairman once visited an electronic store in California, and found all products selling there were Sonny Panasonic.  He was very upset, and so in Frankfurt, he asked his managers to ” Change everything but your wife and children.”.  This became the “Frankfurt declaration1993.”

In the business world, especially in electronic products, technology develops very fast.  Consumers’ tastes also change very quickly.  Therefore a company must make changes in order to survive.  It has to go out and find new products and markets for its products.  A business cannot assume that its existing successful products and business models can remain successful forever.  The word “Change” in a business is very important.

We should learn form this Samsung style and make changes.

Article 1: Global Brand league

Article 2: The Frankfurt Declaration 1993

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