Podcast listening

For your paper, due March 7;




Choose one from these three:

Radiolab: “Ally’s Choice” “Straight outta Chevy Chase”,

Soundcheck: “There Were No Black Artists with No. 1 Hits in 2013

AND one from these three:

“First Comes Love”, “Pop, Power, Privilege”; “The Most Visible Minority”

These are all on the same page, “Colour Code”

Write a two page paper that both compares the histories of race in the US and Canada, and also compares the ways that the podcasters are talking about and framing the question of race. Which categories work across borders, and which don’t? How similar or different are the concerns? (These are questions that are meant to start you thinking; feel free to follow your interests in this paper and make your own arguments). It will be helpful to draw from some of the readings we’ve done over the course of the semester and connect to the broader themes we’ve been talking about).

Remember also to read Saunt, chs. 1-5 for March 7.


Have a great week! I will be on email if you need anything, and can make appointments for Monday if you need to speak to me in person about your paper or anything else.



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about this course

Focused principally on the 20th and 21st centuries, this course will study the legacies and implications of the massive migration, forced and otherwise, from the African continent to the Caribbean, Latin America, and North America. Topics will range from the creation of racial categories in the contexts of slavery and colonialism to the making of transnational and transracial families to the recent cultural politics of “blackness” with emphasis on the ways that different kinds of archives produce multiple and often conflicting narratives. Students will produce as well as consume history. In addition to scholarly monographs and articles, course material will include film, sound, and fiction. I’m very excited to be teaching this course, and looking forward to working with you all semester. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the website and read the syllabus. We will use this site extensively for announcements, postings, and virtual conversations. You should feel free to treat it as your own, and post links, images, videos, or anything else of interest to the class.

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