
by HJDeW ~ July 22nd, 2011. Filed under: e-toolkit learning, Exploration.

image of cubes with asian charactersSynchronous communication tools have developed rapidly into mainstream use. For the sake of saving long distance phone charges, web based tools have become this ‘poor man’s calling card’. The ease of use and cost of use have ensured that these tools will find their place into my personal toolbox and perhaps that of the toolbox of educators around the world.

My personal experience with Skype and have ensured that I have real-time conversations with my own children in far-away places. Text provides almost synchronous communication if the phone is on, charged up and within reach., a recent addition to my collection, has added the voice message capability to my iphone where texting was the first ‘almost synchronous’ tool. Skype unfortunately needs to be on, available and sometimes scheduled to ensure that it is ‘synchronized’ with the parties involved.

Skype has provided the affordance of having group video chat as well as chat capture, which certainly adds the element of capturing minutes for group online meetings. This has been a handy tool to hold meetings for group projects for MET courses, particularly when several time zones are involved.

My recent experience with Wimba Pronto has exposed me to another synchronous communication tool. For educational purposes, I can see these tools being used as a means of communication between students in diverse locations around the globe, possibly for online language learning opportunities -voice pals vs. email or pen pals.

My experience with Wimba live classroom exposed me to the potential of learning anywhere and anytime. With this particular tool, the classroom teacher can be located in one place and providing instruction to students in diverse locations around the world. Again, the potential for e-learning to be conducted in a fully interactive online classroom in synchronous time is quite incredible. This goes a step beyond the concept of webinars (on line seminars) or screencasts which are primarily one way or with limited interactivity. The live classroom has the potential of opening the doors and walls of classrooms everywhere. My first thought was for the many teachers in this province who are currently looking for permanent teaching positions close to home and family and those many children in countries around the globe looking for teachers to instruct children in the English language. Wimba live classroom is a tool that could bring them together in synchronous relationship and communication. That’s synchronicity!

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