Archive for July, 2011

My Audacity Challenge

Friday, July 15th, 2011

With this e-learning toolkit exploration, the first challenge was getting past the ‘I don’t want to’ and ‘Garage band or nothing’ mental state. I trusted the instructions and decided to dive in. Once the initial bump was worked out, it was very easy to create a simple voice cast. Then I tried it again with […]

Digital Storytelling

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Digital story Lesson # 2 – read assignments carefully and clarify understandings. Sometimes you take a wrong turn and have to begin again. My experience with the digital story telling started with multiple ideas, several media options and various familiar tools with which to create my story. As I worked on both of my digital […]

Tag! You Found it!

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Tagging is the key to the web. The concept of tagging is not new, but it is something that has eluded me in my understanding of the web. It has come back into my explorations during this week’s discussions about privacy, protection and public presence in online environments. The difference between being fully private and […]

One Voice in the Crowd

Monday, July 11th, 2011

Voices in the crowd speak out about educational blogging, it’s purpose, audience and its affordances for learning. Blogging is all about hearing your voice.

Collaboration in Wiki-spaces

Sunday, July 10th, 2011

A reflection on a collaborative wiki space creating the top five strategies and top five challenges to using social media in the classroom.

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